Contact Textile & Fashion 2030

Platform Manager
Susanne Nejderås
Smart Textiles by Science Park Borås
Mail: Susanne Nejderås
Phone: +46 (0)70-2168455

Project Manager
Anett Aldman
Smart Textiles by Science Park Borås
Mail: Anett Aldman
Phone: +46 (0)701-848906

Coordinator Knowledge Areas
Lena-Marie Jensen
Smart Textiles by Science Park Borås
Mail: Lena-Marie Jensen
Phone: +46 (0)72-7101540
Other contacts within the platform
Knowledge area leader – Material, Chemistry and Recycling
Lisa Schwarz-Bour, Rise Research Institutes of Sweden
Mail: Lisa Schwarz Bour
Phone: +46 (0)10 228 48 07
Knowledge area leader – Product design, Production & Technology
Anki Olsson, The Swedish School of Textiles
Mail: Anki Olsson
Phone: +46 (0)33 435 5995
Knowledge area leader – Business Models and Consumption
Jonas Larsson, The Swedish School of Textiles
Mail: Jonas Larsson
Phone: +46 (0)708 29 44 46
Communications Officer
Vasilios Bartziokas, Science Park Borås
Mail: Vasilios Bartziokas
Phone: +46 (0)33 435 5907
Anett Aldman, Science Park Borås
Mail: Anett Aldman
Phone: +46 (0)701-848906